Year: 2013
Role: Director y General Curator
Over the last decade, we city dwellers have seen how, little by little, various themes and practices begin to open up, questioning the ways in which we live, in which we coexist, and in which we relate to our environment: neighborhood heritage, community organization and sustainable transport are just some of the many new alternatives to the official model of coexistence. In this context, Urban Agriculture appears as a tool with a great potential for transformation, acquiring an enormous relevance that feeds from various fronts. For a few years now, countless organizations, institutions and collectivities of different kinds have devoted themselves diligently to its practice, managing to insert the theme into public opinion. Despite this, most of the analyzes are carried out from the food security category, reducing -in our opinion- the complexity of the phenomenon. From this fact, we ask ourselves the following questions: What is this swarm of organizations working so hard on? What do they mean by their buzz? What does their honey consist of?
Organizer: NGO Cultivos Urbanos
Director & General Curator: Aníbal Fuentes Palacios
Research & Publications Director: Andrés Señoret Swinburn
General Producer: Manuel Bustamante Morales
Field Producer: Patricio Camoglino Escobar
Audiovisual Record: Camila Chambeaux Rau
Curatorial Committee: Aníbal Fuentes Palacios, Andrés Señoret Swinburn, Bernardita Ramírez Navarro, Claudio Martínez Urquiza, Santiago Rojas Alessandri.
Moderators: Andrés Señoret Swinburn, Aníbal Fuentes Palacios, Santiago Rojas Alessandri, Patricia Ameno Faria Ruiz, Bernardita Ramírez Navarro, Claudio Martínez Urquiza, Valentina Cortínez O’Ryan.