Calcáreo. Object manufacturing system based on the formation and self-assembly of Calcium Carbonate crystals

Biomaterials Research XS

Project that aims the production of sustainable bioceramics starting from the study and mimesis of the marine calcareous organisms.

Crystallization experiment record. © Aníbal Fuentes & Calcáreo.

Year: 2020 – 2021
Role: Researcher
Team: Carolina Pacheco (Director), Danisa Peric (Researcher), Joaquín Rosas (Researcher), Paulina Aguayo (Advisor),Ignacio Erazo (Advisor), Fernán Federici (Advisor).

Project funded by the Ministry of Culture, Arts and Heritage of Chile

Calcareo operates in the field of Biofabrication through the development of production processes from the mineralization of Calcium Carbonate. This material is characterized by being widely abundant in the biosphere, and can be found in an important part of living organisms (bones, shells and other structures). This research consisted of the analysis of various ways of formation of calcareous materials in nature and the replication of the most relevant common systems in the laboratory. Subsequently, the main factors influencing mineralization were studied through analytical experimentation.

Crystallization matrix. © Aníbal Fuentes Palacios.