Biofabrication Manual

Biomaterials Publications S

Manual for the manufacture of homemade objects with mushroom mycelium

Manual front page © Biofab UC & Sebastián Plaza Kutzbach

Years: 2018
Role: Editor & General Productor

In this manual we teach you how to make your own materials and objects from native fungi that decompose wood and agroforestry waste. This may sound complex or even difficult to imagine, but in reality it is something quite similar to cooking, or rather, cooking well.


General Editors: Aníbal Fuentes Palacios, Sebastián Rodríguez Jara
Content Editor: Gabriela Fuentes Palacios
Image Design: Constanza Prado Durán
Editorial Design & Photography: Sebastián Plaza Kutzbach
Contents: Fernán Federici Noe, Aníbal Fuentes Palacios, Tamara Matute Torres, Felipe Muñoz Castillo, Daniel Nuñez Quijada, Isaac Nuñez Quijada, Sebastián Rodríguez Jara, Andres Romero Quezada, Daniela Torres Acuña
Funding: InstitutoMilenio iBio; Ministry of Culture, Arts and Heritage of Chile & Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.