Año: 2017
Role: Teaching Assistant
Team: Alejandro Soffia (Professor), Tomás Vivanco (Professor), Sebastián Rodríguez (Assistant)
Students: Elisabeth Abarca, Josefa Ballacey, Julia Bustamante, Daniela Córdova, Belén Esquivel, Camila Garza, Gaspar Guevara, Galit Hojman, Antonia Hurtado, Mónica Kattan, Dánae Medina, Carolina Pacheco, Isidora Quevedo, Claudia Rudloff, Pedro Stekel, Gonzalo Subiabre, Pilar Ureta, Matías Villanueva.
This research studio, made up of design and architecture students, investigated the possibilities of living organisms as a source for the manufacture of new materials and construction technologies. This work falls within the field of biofabrication research, which in turn is created by the interdisciplinary relationships between Biology and Design. The methodology consisted of a first stage of bibliographic review and construction of a state of the art. From this, possible lines of research were determined, and experiments were carried out that allowed to contribute knowledge in the fields of study.