Years: 2019 – 2022
Role: Co-author. General Producer and Museography.
After several decades of unheeded warnings, the assumptions of the capitalist system are irreversibly collapsing. The overexploitation, overpopulation and overpollution of the planet give rise to a continuous state of political and economic crises, which added to the successive pandemics that have occurred since 2020, catalyze the process of collapse of key industries and cities. From then on, urban inhabitants flee in search of basic resources such as fresh water, food and hospitable conditions. One of the main emerging cultures of the southern hemisphere has developed in the coastal macro zone corresponding to the current Villamávida.
Vestigios. Archeology of a Future Clothing System exhibits more than a century of history lived by this human settlement, from the Great Migration [a.G.M.] to the imminent disappearance of all traces of civilization in its Flamboyant period, emphasizing the territorial processes that promoted both development of new materials, techniques and technologies, such as behaviors, rules of coexistence and rituals that are manifested through clothing. The exhibition, structured from the auditory discovery coming from tomorrow, invites us to ask ourselves: will we be able to restore a relationship of symbiosis and mutualism in constant evolution with other species?
Exhibited at the Casa Palacio cultural space between May 5 and 30, 2022. Santiago de Chile.
Original idea, research, creative direction & curatorship: Colectivo Ronda (Yael Berkowitz, Aníbal Fuentes, Natalia Cerda, Carolina Pacheco, Francisca Feijoo & Loreto Leiva)
Direction: Yael Berkowitz
General Production: Aníbal Fuentes
Art & Design Direction: Natalia Cerda
Biomaterials design: Carolina Pacheco & Yael Berkowitz
Production: Loreto Leiva & Francisca Feijoo
Scientific advice: Francisca Feijoo
Communications: Loreto Leiva
Museography: Aníbal Fuentes, Galit Hojman & Lukas Luna
Clothing System production: Colectivo Ronda + collaborators
Audiovisual production: Pascual Sotomayor, Felipe Sepúlveda, Aníbal Fuentes, Natalia Cerda & Lukas Luna
Design & graphic production: Natalia Cerda
Montage: Colectivo Ronda + collaborators
Mediation: Colectivo Ronda
Actors: María Luisa Soto, Sergio Benvenutto y Natalia Cerda
Colaborators: Galit Hojman, Lukas Luna, Antonia Vargas, Dannery Elizondo, Trinidad Behm, Salvador Cantuarias, Josefina Castro, Nataly Morales, Sofía Aceituno, Paula Herrera, Constanza Pavis, Natalia Fernández, Anaïs Weil, Francisca López, Marcela Cayuleo, María Luisa Marican, Sofía Pacheco, Carla Moreno, Gabriela Fuentes, Claudia Raviol y Museo Marta Colvin de Chillán.
Sponsors: Casa Palacio, Kombuchacha, Viña Montes
Funding: Project funded by the Ministry of Culture, Arts and Heritage of Chile
Ig: @__vestigios