Year: 2018
Role: General Producer
Humanity in its productive eagerness has tried to accelerate, modify and control natural cycles and transformation processes, interrupting ecology and unleashing a global crisis where materiality in the design and architecture industries plays a fundamental role. From the temporality of the work, the so-called «programmed obsolescence», the waste and disappearance of the materials used, an urgent need has been revealed for different designers, architects and artists to renew and rethink the relationship between nature and culture; to analyze the problem of the control of the form as a symptom of the impulse of domination of the material reality typical of our culture; to rethink the logics of production through the analysis of the relevance of materiality and the symbolic logics behind our objects.
General curator: Juan Ferrer (Museo del Hongo)
General producer: Aníbal Fuentes
Creative director: Nicolás Oyarce
Production: Sebastián Rodríguez, Catalina De Pablo, Josefa Ballacey, Francisco Chateau, Laboratorio de Biofabricación FADEU, María José Besoain y Alejandro Weiss, Laborario de Biomateriales Valdivia LABVA.
Artists: Andrea Lira, Rodrigo Arteaga, Juan Ferrer.
Laboratorio de Biofabricación UC Exhibition
Curatorship: Sebastián Rodríguez, Aníbal Fuentes, Josefa Ballacey
Team: Sebastián Rodríguez, Aníbal Fuentes, Alejandro Soffia, Fernán Federici, Andrés Romero, Javiera Videla, Josefa Ballacey, Constanza Prado Durán, Sebastián Plaza Kutzbach, Matías Espinoza López , RedFungi.
Cooking Objects Exhibition
Curatorship: Sebastián Rodríguez, Tomás Vivanco
Prototypes: Patricia Pratt, Ricardo Aliste, Valentina Márquez, Daniel Martínez, Jordanna De la Hoz.
Biofabrication Studio Exhibition
Curatorship: Sebastián Rodríguez, Aníbal Fuentes
Prototypes: Carolina Pacheco, Gaspar Guevara, Belén Esquivel, Dánae Medina.
Free Hardware Exhibition
Curatorship: Sebastián Rodríguez
Team: Javiera Videla, Sebastián Rodríguez, Biofab.uc, Fernán Federici, Josefa Ballacey, Tamara Matute, Isaac Nuñez, Catalina Lagos.
LABVA Exhibition
Curatorship & Prototypes: María José Besoaín & Alejandro Weiss
Design: Valentina Aliaga